How to prepare your child for preschool

As your toddler enters the age of 2 or 3, there are a few speculations you will certainly deal with. The most important one is about getting him admitted into a preschool, whether he needs one, or is he ready to face the school environment. For the parents of the preschool kids who have already begun their session, there is a fusion of feelings gushing through them when it comes to that ‘back to school’ moment. However, it’s important to know that an early childhood educational start leads the child to the path of success on the journey of formal school. Not only do the children learn the basics, but, they also develop skills, gain confidence and embrace the fresh independence that a preschool offers them. While the excitement of freshness may have got your little one running all around the house, the anxiety & apprehension may linger on.

Therefore, it is essential to prepare your child before he steps into the preschool world, not only with respect to the kind of environment he will be exposed to, but also, a basic understanding of the different things he will learn under the guidance of teachers and along with a peer group. On the other hand, preparing your child emotionally can be a tough task to achieve. Here are a few tips for all you parents to commence a smooth beginning with your child:

1.Make the conversation seamless
Don’t try to over prepare your toddler for preschool as this early childhood phase is anyway overwhelming for him. Initiate the conversation about preschool in a very casual and subtle manner in between a general talk about something else. This way, your little one will know what is coming his way in a few weeks.

2.Create a routine
An expert professor from a leading preschool suggests that, “Preschool kids are likely to adjust better when they have consistently been a part of a certain schedule at home which defines the order of tasks such as lunch, play & reading time.” A routine helps the child mentally prepare for the day and adapt to a framework of learning.

3.Inculcate a reading habit
One of the most important focus of early childhood education is the development of language skills. Hence, it is recommended that the parents inculcate a love for reading among the children. This will not only enhance their vocabulary but also increase their imagination & creativity which can help them excel in preschool.

4.Encourage independence
Preschool kids take the first step towards self-development during these precious schooling years which also hugely focus on independence. As parents, you can foster the same by helping your child master some self-help skills such as washing hands, using the toilet, dressing without helo, etc. Also, don’t forget to acknowledge them when they perform the chores well.

5.Visit the preschool
Right before a few days for the preschool session to start, plan a visit to the school along with your child. Make him meet the teacher, walk around the premises and play with him at the playground so that he becomes familiar to the environment in advance and develops an inkling about what is going to happen when he starts his early childhood education journey.

Separating from parents for the first time is a major milestone even if a child is already attending preschool since a while. Always ensure that you find a right balance for your child to become used to of the school and keep yourself involved throughout the process. Preschool is the most precious time in a child’s life and only with a little preparation, you can make this transition a fruitful one!


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